Where in the World is Nicaragua?

My guess is that most visitors come to Nicaragua by plane to Managua, the capital.  By the time they get to Rivas and take the ferry to Omepete Island, they would have been introduced to the tropical climate.  Perhaps not . . . while on the ferry, I saw one tourist who wore a Pampers diaper on his head to keep cool and collect the sweat that the rest of us let drip down our backs.

As for me, I rode in an air conditioned bus from the cool climate of San Jose, Costa Rica, until I got to the border of Nicaragua.  The heat was a jolt.  It was even more of a jolt when the bus dropped me off at Rivas. If Nicaragua is anything like Costa Rica, it also has 34,000 kinds of insects.  It seemed that most of them swarmed around me as I waited for the ferry to Ompete.