Shout it from the Charreadda

One of the events for the Independence celebration was a charreada.  The closest thing I can compare it to is a rodeo.  However, I've not been to enough rodeos to make comparisons.  My Mexican hosts assured me that rodeo riders only took the events that they could copy but a charreada was much more.  To be sure, there were lassos, bronco bulls, and very intricate horse footwork.  There were also charros (riders at a charreada) in full costume with magnificent sombreros.  The sombrero I got to see close up was embroidered with real silver thread.

The emcee was up in the audience with a microphone when I arrived.  And, to be very honest, there were not very many gringos in attendance.  So, when I sat down next to Rosie, the director of the school, he came over to find out just who I was.  Rosie was more than willing to give him the whole scoop.

Not long after that, I heard my name boomed over the loud speaker.  Three times!  The emcee announced that an internationally famous artist was in attendance tonight.  I wanted to take photographs for some drawings I'd create. So, please, let me take photos of whatever I wanted.  And, with that said, I was escorted to VIP locations around the charreada to get the close up photos I really wanted.  There certainly were perks for being an "internationally famous artist" at least for one night.
My Spanish isn't very good.  I know I keep saying that, but it is so true.  I didn't understand what was announced.  I heard my name and Ohio a few times so I had a general understanding of the situation.  It wasn't until after I left the event that my friend asked, "Did you understand what they said in Spanish about you?"  Of course, I didn't.  I had no idea that the charreada was dedicated to me that evening.  Viva Mexico!