A Full Page Newspaper Spread!

The Spanish is all loosely translated with the help of Google Translate.  If your Spanish is great, and you want to read it in Espanol, you can go to this link of Ramon Carrillo's blog.  And, by the way, I wanted color photos on this page. The first two were in black and white in the newspaper.  The last four newspaper shots were not my photos so I changed them for some of my favorites.

RC . - How was your childhood?

Very quiet, with two brothers and a sister, both parents loved living on the farm and growing crops all summer ... but I just wanted to draw.

RC . - Who taught you to paint and draw?

I myself, especially in math class (in jest ) ... " practice is what makes you better. "

RC. - The idea of painting murals, came from Margaret in Namibia, Africa.  That was the first mural you painted.  Now you have 34 , in the 4 continents ... how do you feel about it ?

It's a great pleasure. There are two things I love - art and travel.  And what I do combines my two passions. I have lived abroad for twenty years, traveling through the murals.

RC . - Tell me about your connection with GOOGLE ?

It was a surprise , they sent an invitation for some website owners to attend a conference to discuss ad placement on the website.  Before we discussed my site, I had to tell them, "Thank you for changing my life!"  It is wonderful to be there.

RC . - Why is it important to involve children in your project?

In Namibia, Africa, over 50 volunteers were involved with the mural.  It is the best way because then the mural belongs to them.

RC . - How do you get the ideas for your wall?

Brainstorming.  I combine ideas, mine and those of others.

RC . - How did you find your last mural in New York ?

Each mural has a different history.  A long time ago, I went to Haiti.  I bought a hat that I loved by I misplaced it.  I searched the internet and found another in New York.  The woman who sold me the hat invited me to make the mural.

RC . - Is this the first mural I paint in Mexico?

It is the second , the first one made two years ago in the orphanage in Piedras Negras called The House of Mercy .

RC . - Why do you want to visit Acapulco?

As a child I wanted to see Paris and Acapulco; it was my dream.  I spent hours and hours studying maps.  I have visited Paris, and I still need to see Acapulco.

RC. - How does it feel to share your art for free online?

It has brought many surprises.  I hear from people around the world every week who use my art.  It has lead to me do murals in places like Africa, Peru, and Belgium.

RC. - I like the mural painted in France. Why did you use the heart?

I always talk to people to know their plans and ideas.  The project involved students in the community.  Some of them drew mural suggestions and heart shape caught my eye .

RC. - It is an honor to interview you personally and witness the gift you to leave Mexico, Coahuila.  How was your experience here at the Montessori School?

It's the best place I've visited for a mural project.  Here the director can write a manual on how to treat people and how to make them feel good.  Nowhere else has treated me so well.  They made banners, threw a party with the teachers, and told the children about me so I am greeted by name.  It is incredible.  I stay at the home of my friend and a teacher at this school, Miss Anigaby.  She contacted me to come to her school.  Staying with a family is much better than staying at a hotel.  And, I love Mexican food.

RC . - How do you perceive the students from Piedras Negras?

In other places , they are sometimes distracted and an adult needs to correct their painting.  These students are very dedicated, good students.  It has been a pleasure working with them .

RC . - Phillip , can you explain the theme of this mural at the Montessori school?

The director wanted to express the school's philosophy of cooperation and friendship.  In the original mural, a circle of children held hands to show how they welcome all who come to this school.  I've been very happy here .

RC. - You say that some people come into our lives and quickly go and others stay and leave footprints on our hearts, and we are not the same.  Who has made a mark in your heart?

As I paint my murals, starting in Namibia, the people I've met are present in my heart.  I like to meet people.  That makes me feel good and they leave their mark.

RC. - Who is Phillip Martin?

(Laughing): An artist , I am a person who has discovered what he really loves to do and is able to do it, but it never have happened if I had not said "yes" to opportunities.