Wander My World with Me Blogs - Jamaica

1. ISLAND TIME .....Clocks and schedules aren't for everyone, no matter how bad you wish it might be the case. Some times you just have to get used to Island Time.

2. JERK CHICKEN .....One of the dishes you should eat in Jamaica is Jerk Chicken. But, you never want to eat your meal with jerks.

3. LOW EXPECTATIONS .....When I attend a presentation, I have low expectations. It's the same when I present. I hope for one good take-away and a little extra dessert is always nice.

4. FLEET STREET .....The Caribbean's best example of street art is in a very needy community along Fleet Street.

5. MURAL 59 STANDPIPE .....My introduction to Jamaica was just across from the U.S. Embassy in the Standpipe community.

6. PEOPLE ALONG MY PATH - GREG .....I always meet the nicest people when I travel. It's even better when I meet fellow artists like Greg Bailey.

7. MURAL 60 - ROSE TOWN .....Finally, my mural count reached the big six oh! And, it was one of my rare murals on panels.

8. ONE LOVE .....There is one "must see" destination while in Kingston, Jamaica. You must visit the Bob Marley museum.

9. RESPECT .....This has nothing to do with Aretha, but everything to do with how people want to be treated.  Respect.