A Very Special Thanks to the People who made this Experience possible in Honduras

Humberto y Gilma, hosts, friends, and the reason my time in Copan Ruinas was so very absolutely incredible

Emily, who instantly said YES to my art at Casitas Copan and was the first person in 39 murals to recognize my art

David, my right hand artist with a wealth of paint

"Mis Amores", who helped me paint at Casitas Copan as well as one grafitti artist who set things back

Casitas Copan Teachers and Staff, for support and smiles

Don Pedro, my first "model" to ever receive a portrait

Santiago, proving miracles really do happen

Inmar, unlimited motivation and enthusiasm in need of a photographer

Ten Teenagers, who transformed into Maya warriors before my eyes

Juan Orlando Hernández and Ban Ki-moon, for a really good story

Scooper, for my best story