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In the News in Brazil

On November 26, the municipality of Barbosa Ferraz, in the Central-Western region of Paraná, will be seized by hundreds of young people participating in the 15th Young Apprentice Farmer's Gymkhana (JAA).

There are 17 classes from of JAA in the Campo Mourao Region that will participate in the competition that has 52 tests with rural activities.  Among them, the level curve measurement, planting pond, log volume and batch demarcation. (And, if none of that made any sense, it's because I didn't understand it to clarify the translation.) "It is a healthy competition in which young people put into practice what they have learned during the JAA course", explains the coordinator of the event, Geremias Ciliao de Arujo Junior.

In addition to the exams, the coordinator says that, on occasion, a JAA group from Mambore will demarcate a figure for participants to assemble a human mosaic.  This is a great challenge for the JAA students because it is carried out in 10 minutes, without any previous rehearsal or guidance. In the last competition in June of this year, the activity involved 305 people, among JAA students, parents, and teachers.


This time, the big attraction for A Gincana is the participation of the North American cartoonist Phillip Martin, who has painted 48 murals in 24 countries around the world.  This is the first time that the artist comes to Brazil, where he will spend two weeks painting murals in the schools of Barbosa Ferraz and will also participate in the closing of the Rural Entrepreneur Program in the Pinhais Metropolitan Region of Curtiba on December 2.

In order to bring Philip to the country, the JAA classes mobilized to hold fundraising events with the support of the Rural Union of Barbosa Ferraz and the district government.

The cartoonist will arrive in the municipality on November 12, where there are 70 volunteers waiting to paint the murals.  "On the day of A Gincana, these murals will be ready, and we will invite you to be a part of the JAA celebration," said Araujo Juior.

A Gincana

Since 2009, when the event began, thousands of young people have participated, mostly children of farmers.  The debut of A Gincana took place in Arapua in the north of Paraná, then in Fenix ​​and the third edition was in the municipality of Nova Cantu. The others occurred in Barbosa Feraz, which became official headquarters of the event.  A Gincanba requires the preparation of an infrastructure at the Jose Arno Turke Municipal School, including the cafeteria, multipurpose court, soccer field, sanitariums, cooks, and medical assistance during the tests.  Today the A Gincana celebration takes place twice a year, in the first semester, usually in June, and the other in November. "The competition is a teaching strategy that we use for the integration and evaluation of young people.  It provides an opportunity for them to demonstrate their ability to work as a team, commitment, and discipline, as well as the great satisfaction of being part of rural youth", says the coordinator of the JAA Program, Regiane Horning of SENAR-PR.