Wander My World with Me in Brasil

What a year it has been in 2016!  It started with a trip to Liberia and continued on through Moldova, Fiji, Nauru, Mexico, and Brasil!  You just never know where these murals are going to take me.  I keep hoping for murals in Australia and Asia.  None so far, but in 2016, I painted in North and South America, Europe, Africa and Oceania.  It was a very good year.

A Very Long 5456 Kilometers from Cancun to Brasil
Mural 50 in Barbosa Ferraz
Saci's Pinata
With Friends Like These ...
Computer Problems in Portuguese
The "A Gincana" Funeral
On the Radio in Portuguese
Midnight in Marumbi
Mural 51 at APAE in Barbosa Ferraz
My Turn to Cry
How to Import a Gringo
Tchau, Brasil